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It’s time for spring cleaning at the office! Give your office a little refresher while you prepare for the new season ahead. Plus, a cleaner work environment means happier, healthier and more productive employees. Follow these office spring cleaning tips to get started.

1. Create a Checklist

Before anything else, assemble a checklist! Decide what needs to be cleaned or organized and keep a running list. Once you have an established checklist, you can start cleaning in an orderly manner and divide tasks up by day, time and employee.

2. Do a Little at a Time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything that you want to accomplish. Use your checklist to create a cleaning plan that accommodates your schedule and allows you to accomplish a little bit each day, without stressing over doing everything all at once.

3. Declutter

Over the course of a year, you’ve probably accumulated a lot of things in your office that you don’t need. Dispose of any unnecessary clutter or documents on your counters, in your drawers, or filing cabinets. Recycle any paper or plastic waste!

4. Organize

Spring cleaning at the office offers the perfect opportunity to get organized! Create a system that helps remove clutter and maintain order at your work. Follow our office organization tips and ideas to get started!

5. Disinfect and Dust All Surfaces

While the janitorial staff may vacuum and mop your floors nightly or a couple of times a week, some surfaces may be untouched. Dust and wipe down all surfaces and workstations to keep your office clean and germ-free! Don’t forget to disinfect door handles, computers, keyboards, desks, break room tables and the kitchen area.

6. Spruce it Up

Spring cleaning is about more than just making sure your space is tidy. It’s important that your space inspires and motivates your employees. Add some new furniture, wall art or plants to your office to liven up your space!

Allé Designs

Allé Designs was created with the concept to offer simple, beautiful, and functional ancillary products for commercial office spaces. Our full range of products, that are that are used and enjoyed every day, have one commonality – a lasting aesthetic that transcends short-lived trends.