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With the sun finally shining and warmth bringing more people outside, your workspace’s outdoor areas will be seen more often. Landscaping ideas for the front of your office don’t have to be complicated or stressful. Landscaping with potted plants can benefit your office building’s outdoor aesthetic and improve morale of the employees working inside. A little creativity is really all that’s needed—and some durable planters.

Why Use Fiberglass Planters for Landscaping?

Fiberglass planters not only look nice when landscaping, but are dependable when it comes to the health of the plant and the integrity of the planter itself. Fiberglass resin planters are made of quality materials that landscapers trust for design and durability purposes. When a good design is used with fiberglass pots, landscaping ideas come to life.


Landscaping with potted plants creates great pops of color against fresh greenery and dark mulch outside an office building. Fiberglass landscape planters come in many different colors. When appropriate colors are used, curb appeal improves tremendously. Don’t overwhelm the landscape with too many colors. Mix and match pots and flowers carefully to create an appealing, organized color scheme.


The lightweight design of fiberglass pots provides a unique look to your landscape. Modern outdoor planters made of fiberglass resin are typically lighter and thinner than most, making them easy to move around. Since fiberglass resin planters are made with woven layers of fiber, the planters remain durable under harsh weather conditions.


Not all fiberglass resin planters used for landscape designs look, or feel, the same. One of the major benefits of landscaping with planters is that there are many textures to choose from. Mixing smooth and square fiberglass pots with round and rough ones can create a pleasing landscape design. Incorporating unique textures when you’re landscaping with potted plants adds interest and curb appeal to your office.

Low Maintenance

Thanks to the incredible durability of the resin finish, fiberglass pots are an impressively low-maintenance piece of your landscape design. Cleaning fiberglass resin planters takes very little effort since chemicals are unnecessary for maintaining the outer casing. Debris and dirt cannot sneak into the fiberglass pores. Instead, you can worry less about the upkeep of your landscape and focus more on the curb appeal of your workspace.

Allé Designs

Allé Designs was created with the concept to offer simple, beautiful, and functional ancillary products for commercial office spaces. Our full range of products, that are that are used and enjoyed every day, have one commonality – a lasting aesthetic that transcends short-lived trends.